Student Conduct
Student Handbook
Dear Student and Families,
A Student Handbook is available from the school office. The packet includes information on school hours, student supplies, PTSO, volunteers, breakfast & lunch programs, medicine at school, district policies, and much more. A strong parent/school partnership is in the best interest of your child and will offer maximum success when we work together.
The purpose of this handbook is to familiarize students and families with their rights and responsibilities in helping maintain a dynamic, responsive, and nurturing learning environment. Each student and staff member will receive this handbook at the beginning of the school year from their school. Please review the contents of this document with your student(s) so they understand their personal rights and responsibilities.
Student Dress Code
Student dress will only be regulated when:
- A health or safety hazard will be presented by the student's dress or appearance including possible membership in a gang or hate groups. For example, footwear must be sturdy and cover the foot in order to protect feet during PE and recess activities (flip-flops, sandals, open toed shoes, and high heels are not safe).
- Damage to school property will result from the student's dress; or
- A material and substantial disruption of the educational process will result from the students' dress or appearance.
Staff has the ability to determine if clothing/appearance is disruptive to the school environment. Students who are dressed inappropriately will be asked to cover or change their clothing or be sent home. During cold and variable weather, students should have warm clothing since they spend a part of every day in outside play.